Acumatica Certificate


Hello everybody,

this will be the first post in December. I want to boast that I got T101 certificate from acumatica univercity which proves that I'm certified developer for acumatica!!!!

you can download it from  Download

The screenshot of it:


Find Table By Column Name


Quite common task, which I bored to google and as it is not hard to memorize, but decided to record it.


List View In Accumatica


Here I want to describe how to create such simple page like this:

For reading this manual father you need to know how to add page to sitemap in accumatica. If you need me to describe this process let me know, I assume it is not challenging process.

For staff like this you need ListView template and two other classes.

The first class is used to represent single view item in grid and second class intended for navigating in the db. 

Accumatica manual recomends the following location of those two classes:

1. Create separated project ( for example IG )

2. Inside of it create Folder with the name of pages folder ( for example Investigation )

3. Add reference to the dll PX.Data

4. Create class CountryMaint:

namespace IG.Investigation
    public class CountryMaint : PXGraph<CountryMaint>

5. Build class library and add reference to newly created project.

I got something similar to this ( just without red rectangle ):

For now we have manager of records but without representation of records itself. Let's do it with tool called Data access class generator. Switch back to the file IG301000.aspx choose design mode and for the typename choose IG.Investigation.CountryMaint. 

Press at generate class and in the window that will appear type Country.

Here is what I seen:

Press at "Generate" button and you'll see that class which can represent single record was created exactly in DAC folder.

Now if will have desire to open developed web page you'll notice 

Error #96: View  doesn't exist.

which means that we need to add something, that is called view. What it can be? Add to the class following line

public PXSelect<Country> Countries;

and Visible="true" and then try to open page again:

Error #96: View  doesn't exist.

Why? I went nuts tring to figure out, untill I watched in manual, which sad the next phrase: 

In the Properties window, set the following property for the grid:

• DataMember:Countries

But why it speak about non-mentioned DataMember as View ? I have no idea, but if you have share it.

So, let's set it and execute. Are you ready to see result?

If to put simly this warning means that you need to add method Save to the CountryMaint class. But why Accumatica doesn't show anything I have no idea.

Let's add it:

public class CountryMaint : PXGraph<CountryMaint>
        public PXSelect<Country> Countries;
        public PXSave<Country> Save;

and open the page:

Cool, isn't it? Button save is ready. 

Let's add some fields for displaying. It can be done at PXGrid, via Edit content layout link:

Then you just add fields CountryCD and description. I'll omit this process because IMHO it is not complicated. Execute page again and you'll see list of countries. Enjoy !!!!


Acumatica Date Time Specifiers

 Hello everybody,

today I want to describe some date time specifiers in acumatica.

d - is default format pattern, so if you intend to use short date pattern, you can just ommit pattern in usage function

public static System.Text.StringBuilder MakePattern(string format, System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo df)

D - long date pattern. Something similar to "Thursday, April 10, 2008"

F - long time pattern. Full date/time pattern. Something similar to "Monday, June 15, 2009 1:45:30 PM".

G - long time pattern. General date time pattern. Something like  "6/15/2009 1:45:30 PM" for "en-US" or "2009/6/15 13:45:30" for zh-CN

M equals to m and means Month day pattern "June 15"

R equals to r - RFC 1123 pattern. The custom format string is "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT' like "Mon, 15 Jun 2009 20:45:30 GMT"

T - long time pattern. "1:45:30"

U - long time pattern. Universal full date/time pattern. "Monday, June 15, 2009 8:45:30 PM" or "den 15 juni 2009 20:45:30" ( for sv-SE )

s - sortable date time pattern. Intended for sorting as strings. Format: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss". Looks like "2009-06-15T13:45:30"

t - short time pattern. 1:45 PM ( for en-US ), "13:45" ( hr-HR )

u - universal sortable date time pattern. 2009-06-15 20:45:30Z. Also for sorting as string.

y equals to Y year month pattern. Looks like June, 2009

f - short time pattern. Similar to "Monday, June 15, 2009 1:45 PM". Differs from 'F' by ommiting seconds

g - short time pattern ( at least in code ), and looks like this:

case 'g':
                    builder.Append(df.get_ShortDatePattern()).Append(' ').Append(df.get_ShortTimePattern());
                    return builder;

I was surprised because here g stands for "General date/time pattern" or  "6/15/2009 1:45 PM" while in acumatica 'g' is equal to 'f'


  • Bob said 

    This tells me absolutely nothing about how to use DateTime specifiers. I have no idea what this is even supposed to be.

  • docotor said 

    Hello Bob,
    thank you for your comment.
    I read again, and suppose you look for this:

    #region StatementDate
    public abstract class statementDate : PX.Data.IBqlField
    protected DateTime? _StatementDate;
    [PXDBDate( InputMask = "your input mask", DisplayMask = "your display mask")]
    [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Statement Date")]
    public virtual DateTime? StatementDate
    return this._StatementDate;
    this._StatementDate = value;

  • docotor said

    Take notice of
    [PXDBDate( InputMask = "your input mask",
    DisplayMask = "your display mask")]

    hope it helps

  • adithar said

    I have a problem about date time.
    in acumatica standard date time if Timesmode = true
    format in screen = 00:00 AM/PM
    how to make datetime formats are second For example = 00:00:00

    thank you

  • docotor said

    I suppose that with TimesMode = true you'll not be able to achieve this.

  • adithar said

    what things must be done to achieve that format?

  • mungalim said 

    I need the help of the problems in Acumatica.
    I made the Date Time format in the database, and I set the DAC filed PXDBDateAndTime becomes
    [PXDBDateAndTime(InputMask = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    DisplayMask = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss")]
    inside page already appears 20-04-2016 10:30:15,
    but for seconds can not be entered into the database, How solution when seconds can be saved to the database,,?

    thanks, waiting for reply

  • docotor said 

    So, you modify seconds at client side ( in browser ) , but those changes doesn't go to db ?

Find Screen


In case if you look at something in acumatica and want quickly to find sources of that window in resharper you can do the following:

1. click in the command line, and you'll see something like this:

just withoug red rectangle.

2. Switch to your Visual studio and navigate to page gl201000.aspx or gl201000.aspx.cs. In case if you have resharper in your Visual Studio you can navigate to file in a window like this:



Here is just to anounce that the first post in my blog will be about acumatica. If to speak in general acumatica is ERP which from programmers viewpoint is like CMS which is intended for management of the resources at company. It is much cheaper then SAP and it also tries to become competitor of AXAPTA. So, lets see what will be the outcome.