How To Create Plugins That Can Be Loaded Unloaded

How to create plugins that can be loaded/unloaded

Hello everybody,

today I want to show sample of code that you can use for your plugins.

Sometime it can happen that you have some application with it's dlls and you can decide to make ad hoc dlls.

In order to demonstrate how to do it I prepared following code:

Create first class library as BaseLib:

using System;
namespace BaseClass
    public class BaseClass : MarshalByRefObject
        public virtual bool IsProcessable(string message)
            return true;
        public virtual void Process(string message)

Then create following implementation:

using System;
namespace Ext1
    public class Extension1 : BaseClass.BaseClass
        public override bool IsProcessable(string message)
            return true;
        public override void Process(string message)
            message = message + " 1 " + message;

And then code like this will give you possibility to load/unload dlls:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MarshalByRef
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AppDomain ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain("extensions");
            string testDlls = @"d:\sources\MarshalByRef\MarshalByRef\destDlls\";
            string dest = @"d:\sources\MarshalByRef\MarshalByRef\MarshalByRef\bin\Debug\" + "Ext1.dll";
            File.Copy(testDlls + "Ext1.dll", dest, true);
            Loader loader = (Loader)ad.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(Loader).Assembly.FullName, typeof(Loader).FullName);
            //if you try to delete Ext1.dll you'll got an error
            //if you try to delete Ext1.dll now, you'll be successfull
    class Loader : MarshalByRefObject
        private Assembly _assembly;
        public void LoadAssembly(string path)
            _assembly = Assembly.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(path));
        public void Execute()
            var instance = _assembly.CreateInstance("Ext1.Extension1"as BaseClass.BaseClass;

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