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How to prevent duplication

How to prevent duplication. We will use the example on Sales Order screen. .background{font-family:monaco,Consolas,LucidaConsole,monospace;background-color:#1E1E1E;overflow:scroll;color:#dfdfdf;}.method{color:#DCDCAA;}.class{color:#4EC9B0;}.keyword{color:#569cd6;}.string{color:#ce9178;}.control{...

How to increase webhook size

The code below will allow us to modify our Web.config by adding to it or changing the Webhook size. This is necessary when the data is not sent using a webhook from its volume. .background{font-family:monaco,Consolas,LucidaConsole,monospace;background-color:#1E1E1E;overflow:scroll;color:#dfdfdf;...

Modern UI, npm getmodules error

When trying to execute the npm run getmodules command in an Acumatica project using Modern UI based on Node.js, an error occurs that is related to processes that cannot complete correctly ( See the screenshot below ). To solve this issue, open the gulp-tools.ts file in the FrontendSources folder...