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Can not insert null into column

Hello. Recently I found one strange thing that I faced for the first time.I made two selectors, one for branch and one for UOM. Below is code for them .background{font-family:monaco,Consolas,LucidaConsole,monospace;background-color:#1E1E1E;overflow:scroll;color:#dfdfdf;}.class{color:#4EC9B0;}.ke...

Layout in HTML

  .background{font-family:monaco,Consolas,LucidaConsole,monospace;background-color:#1E1E1E;overflow:scroll;color:#dfdfdf;}.keyword{color:#569cd6;}.string{color:#ce9178;}.identifier{color:#dfdfdf;}.operator{color:#dfdfdf;}.localName{color:#9CDCFE;} <template> <qp-te...

Controls of the Modern UI

A control can have the following attributes: -       config: An attribute whose properties define the appearance and behavior of the control. Any changes to the values of these properties made in the browser are not passed to the server and can be overwritten by the...