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Screen Class in TS

import {             PXView, createSingle, PXFieldState, graphInfo, group, PXScreen, createCollection, PXFieldOptions, PXActionState } from "client-controls";   @graphInfo({ graphType: 'PX.Objects.GL.AccountHistoryEnq', primaryView: 'Fi...

How to add cookie in Acumatica

There are cases when you may need to put some data into cookies. For example, I faced a problem in Acumatica when I needed to extract a webhook url using JS. .background{font-family:monaco,Consolas,LucidaConsole,monospace;background-color:#1E1E1E;overflow:scroll;color:#dfdfdf;}.method{color:#DCD...

Email indentation

         Text is inserted without indentation. It may happen that when you paste text into a field, it changes.          For example, Body on the Email Activity screen. We insert the following text.After pasting, we g...