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Comments Todo And Hack In C#

Hello everybody, today I want to leave one more note, which you can use for boosting your productivity. Imagine following scenario. On the meeting with customer you've got some list of to do points. You have them on your email. You've made some research, and found that you need to make changes to...

Simplest Caching Explanation

today I want to give one more explanation of how to use caching and slots for caching purposes. Also there are plenty of articles on the subject,  I want to give one more with simplest recipe. So, if you need to cache something, you'll need to follow this procedure: declare you class as som...

Four Types Of Programmers

It is first time I write on topic of management and recruitment. Question is about one way of classifying your programmers, who work with you now or will come in a future. My main thesis is: all developers, roughly speaking, are divided into 4 large types and each of these types has its own appli...