How To Enable Some Control In Acumatica

How to enable some control in Acumatica

Hello everybody,

today I want to leave a short note for the following situation:

Imagine that you need to enable some control in Acumatica ( for example Mark for PO ) on page Sales orders ( SO301000 ).

As usually for enabling control there are two ways:

  1. RowSelected
  2. Automation steps.

Recently I found third option, when neither 1 nor 2 did work. After spending some time I found third option: Cache has property AllowUpdate. After I've set it to true, I was able to modify lines in Document details. 

In your code it may look like this:

protected void SOLine_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected del)
        if (del != null)
              del(cache, e);
        SOLine row = (SOLine)e.Row;
        if (row == nullreturn;
        Base.Transactions.Cache.AllowUpdate = true;
        PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOLine.pOCreate>(cache, row, true);
        PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOLine.shipDate>(cache, row, true);

you still may need Row_Selected event handler, but not forget to add AllowUpdate = true.

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How To Restore Snapshot Of Acumatica

Hello everybody,

today I want to leave a post on how to restore Acumatica snapshots with help of Acumatica Wizard.

Before creating snapshot you may need to switch Acumatica to maintenance mode. Below are the steps for achieveing it:

1. Go to System --> Management --> Apply Updates, click on the button "Schedule Lockout" and specify the reason for lockout
2. Don't forget to remove the lockout after you'll restore Snapshot.

Steps are the following:

1. Create a snapshot of the tenant you wish to back up

2. Export that snapshot (I recoment  xml format).

3. In the folder where the corresponding Acumatica Wizard is installed (usually c:\program files\Acumatica ERP\), find the folder called  \Database\Data, where there are individual folders with snapshot data.

4. Create a new folder for your new snapshot

5. Extract the contents of the .zip exported snapshot into the new folder you created

6. Run the Acumatica Wizard

7. Choose the "Perform Application Maintenance" option

8. Select the site into which you wish to import this data

9. Choose the "Tenant Maintenance" option or "Company Maintenance":

10. Click on the "Advanced Settings" button at the bottom

12. Click on the "Insert Data" option next to the tenant where the data should be imported and select the new folder/snapshot you added in step #4 above:

13. Proceed through the wizard as normal. When the install process is complete you should have a tenant with restored data.


New Syntax Of Setvisibility Method In Acumatica


Hello everybody,

today I want to write a few words about changes of PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisibility method. 

In the past, if you wanted to turn on some column, you could write in RowSelected event something like this:

          PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisibility<APRegister.finPeriodID>(Documents.Cache, nulltrue);

If you want to turn it off, then this:

PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisibility<APRegister.finPeriodID>(Documents.Cache, nullfalse);

But for quite a long time ( even in 2017 version ), Acumatica team introduced PXUIVisibility enum. In code it looks like this:

public enum PXUIVisibility
  Undefined = 0,
  Invisible = 1,
  Visible = 3,
  SelectorVisible = 7,
  Dynamic = 9,
  Service = 19,
  HiddenByAccessRights = 33,

For now I can comment on Visible and InVisible which correspond to false and true in the past implemtations. And in future posts I'll describe other selectors. 


How To Change All Emails In Acumatica


Hello everybody,

today I want to leave a post on how to change all emails, which are contained in Acumatica. For this purpose you may use script below:

UPDATE contact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE socontact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE apcontact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE pocontact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE crcontact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE arcontact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE fscontact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE crcasecontacts SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE crcontact SET    email = email + '.ts'

UPDATE pmcontact SET    email = email + '.ts' 

If you wonder, what can be the usage of such SQL, consider following scenario. You've restoed from back up some database. And you need to see if Automation schedules work fine. How can you do it without deletion of all of them and spamming of all customers of your customer? The only way would be updating emails in your database.

If you know any other table that contains e-mails which I've missed, let me know, I'll update this SQL script accordingly.


How To Use F Bql View Instead Of Pxselect


Hello everybody,

today I want to leave a short note on how to use F-BQL version of PXSelect in Acumatica.

In past it was common to have this line of code in your graph:

public PXSelect<Student1> Students;

In new F-BQL introduced new construction, SeleftFrom. Proper way of using it is this:

public SelectFrom<Student2>.View Students;

Take notice of suffix .View. Without that suffix you'll not get proper F-BQL view. And Acuminator will give you this warning:

So if to summarize, don't forget to add suffix .View 

How To Download Dac Schema Browser


Hello everybody,

here is just short post on how to download DAC Schema browser which I recently opensourced.

You'll need two steps:

1. Navigate in your browser to link 2. Click on Star as displayed on screenshot (this is optional step):

       4. Right mouse click

       5. Save customization wherever you wish

       6. Publish on your local instance

That particular file is intended for Acumatica version 2019 R1 build 0122, but it should work on higher versions as well. Later on I'll add lower versions as well.

How To Get List Of All Acumatica Tables


Hello everybody,

today I want to share single line of code, which I found recently while digging Acumatica source code with reflector. Sometime you may need to know if there is some or antoher Acumatica table available. For example if you create some customization plugin. How to find out if there is some table? You can use following line of code for this purpose:

using PX.Api.Soap.Screen;


var acumaticaTables = ServiceManager.Tables;

Variable acumaticaTables will have a list of Acumatica tables.

How To Call Action Cancel In Acumatica


Hello everybody,

Today I want to leave a short notice on how to call Cancel button of Acumatica from inside C# code:


That is it, Clear method is binded to button Cancel in Acumatica. Besides that Clear method will reload current data record from database and rolls back changes of Cache objects. 

Configuration Error For Acumatica T100 Training


Hello everybody,

once upon a time Acumatica requires for certified developers to pass over certification again. 

As obedient person I decided to install T100 sample application over Acumatica Framework Configuration ( don't mix with Acumatica ERP Configuration ). Then I navigated to just installed application, and here is what I've seen:

Server Error in '/T100a' Application.

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The connection string name is missing for the MySqlSiteMapProvider

Source Error:

Line 283:    <siteMap>
Line 284:      <providers>
Line 285:        <add name="MySqlSiteMapProvider" type="MySql.Web.SiteMap.MySqlSiteMapProvider, MySql.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d" connectionStringName="LocalMySqlServer" applicationName="/" />
Line 286:      </providers>
Line 287:    </siteMap>

Source File: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config    Line: 285

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.3282.0



Very puzzling honestly speaking. You've just installed something, and right from the start it doesn't work. 

After some Research I have found, that following some additions should be added to node siteMap section providers:

			<siteMap enabled="true" defaultProvider="PXDatabaseSiteMapProvider">
			            <remove name="MySqlSiteMapProvider" /> <!-- add this line --> 
			            <remove name="PXWikiProvider" />


After those additions I was able to open Training sample T100.


Pxuirequired Attribute Usage In Acumatica


Hello everybody,

today I want to say a bit more about usage of attribute PXUIRequired as previous article on my blog wasn't very easy to follow by some of my readers.

Take a look on presented code sample:

public class sOOrderType : Constant<string>
	public const string SOOrderType = "SO";
	public sOOrderType() : base(SOOrderType)
public class SOOrderExt : PXCacheExtension<SOOrder>
	[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
	public virtual string CustomerOrderNbr { getset; }

As you can see, besides attribute PXUIRequired it has declaration of constant value "SO". With that declaration before class you may get validation only for SO Order type "SO".

And now as you see on screenshot, field Customer Order got it's star. Take notice that color of that star is also differnet, it become red.

One more point which I want to underline, attribute PXUIRequired will work in connection with PXDefault attriubute. Without PXDefault attribute you'll get another error message, so as as summary, use PXUIRequired attribute with PXDefault.