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Controls of the Modern UI

A control can have the following attributes: -       config: An attribute whose properties define the appearance and behavior of the control. Any changes to the values of these properties made in the browser are not passed to the server and can be overwritten by the...

Reordering Fieldsets

Now you could also place field easily after any field that you want just using parameter before and after Construction to this looks like this<qp-fieldset  modify="#SomeID" after=""#AnotherID>           </qp-fieldset> on practice...

Action Definitions in TS

.background{font-family:monaco,Consolas,LucidaConsole,monospace;background-color:#1E1E1E;overflow:scroll;color:#dfdfdf;}.class{color:#4EC9B0;}.keyword{color:#569cd6;}.identifier{color:#dfdfdf;}.punctuation{color:#dfdfdf;}.propertyName{color:#dfdfdf;} export class GL401000 extends PXScreen {...