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Screen Class in TS

import {

            PXView, createSingle, PXFieldState, graphInfo, group, PXScreen, createCollection, PXFieldOptions, PXActionState

} from "client-controls";


@graphInfo({ graphType: 'PX.Objects.GL.AccountHistoryEnq', primaryView: 'Filter' })


export class GL401000 extends PXScreen {


The screen class must satisfy the following  requirements:

-       It has the screen ID as the name of the class, such as GL401000

-       It extends the PXScreen class

-       It has the graphInfo decorator, in which you specify the graph and primary view of the graph

-       It must be placed in the file with the name [screenID].ts. Example GL401000.ts


export class GL401000 extends PXScreen {

@viewInfo({containerName: "Filter"})

            Filter = createSingle(GLHistoryEnqFilter);



In the screen class, you define a property for each data view. This property must satisfy the following requirements:

-       It has the same name as the name of data view. Example
Filter = createSingle(GLHistoryEnqFilter). Filter property should be the same name for Filter view

-       If you need to display a form control, the property is initialized with the createSingle method

-       If you need to display a grid or a tree, the property is initialized with the createCollection method. You can specify configuration parameters for the table by using the gridConfig decorator and for the tree by using the treeConfeg decorator

  •       It can have the viewInfo decorator with the specified container name


-       In the TS file of the form, for each view of the graph you define a view class - that is a class of each view of the graph

-       The class extends the PXView class


-       In each view class you specify the properties for all data fields of the data view that you want to be able to show of use in the UI

-       You use the name of the data field as the property name

-       For each property you specify the type of the property which can be one of the following:

- PXFieldState

- PXFieldState<listOfOptions> where you specify the options by using the PXFieldOptions enum. The options can be combined

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