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Invokeifrequired Template

Hello everybody, today I want to document simple but very useful feature if you work with multiple threads in Winforms application.  Quite often it happens that you execute in some paralel thread long running calculations and would like time from the time notify results to UI.  But if y...

Acumatica DAC class generator

Hello everyboydy, today I want to share with anybody mine implementation of DAC class generator. By default Acumatica provides you with DAC class generator which is pretty good. But time from the time I had a need to generate DAC class into text field, and then put it somewhere in my solution, an...

Concurent Collections Of C

Hello everybody, today I want to write few words about Concurent collections in C#. First of all  I want to point there there are only four of them: ConcurrentDictionary ConcurrentQueue ConcurrentStack ConcurrentBag BlockingCollection Partitioner EnumerablePartitionerOptions IProducerConsum...

Features Of System Reflection

Hello everybody, today I want to document few features of System.Reflection namespace. It has following important types: Type ( with methods GetType, GetMemberInfo, GetPropertyInfo, GetFieldInfo ), Activator ( with method CreateInstance ), Assembly ( Load, LoadFrom, GetTypes, GetName, GetFiles ),...