How to modify PXIntList dynamically in Acumatica

Hello everybody,

today I want to leave a short code sample on how to modify PXIntList or dropdown list in Acumatica. Below goes code sample of it:

protected virtual void _(Events.RowSelected<CROpportunity> e)
    if (e.Row == null)
    var opportunityExtension = e.Row.GetExtension<CROpportunityExt>();
    if (opportunityExtension.UsrProduct == 0)
        var listInts = new List<int>();
        var listStrings = new List<String>();
        listStrings.Add("String 1");
        listStrings.Add("String 2");
        listStrings.Add("String 3");
        PXIntListAttribute.SetList<CROpportunityExt.usrProposition>(e.Cache, e.Row, listInts.ToArray(), listStrings.ToArray());
    if (opportunityExtension.UsrProduct == 1)
        var listInts = new List<int>();
        var listStrings = new List<String>();
        listStrings.Add("String 2");
        listStrings.Add("String 3");
        listStrings.Add("String 4");
        PXIntListAttribute.SetList<CROpportunityExt.usrProposition>(e.Cache, e.Row, listInts.ToArray(), listStrings.ToArray());

This code sample has two most important parts: 

  1. RowSelected ( declared over new syntax )
  2. PXIntListAttribute.SetList<CROpportunityExt.usrProposition> call

With usage of those two principles you can easily get modifiable collection accoding to necessary conditions in your code.