How To Pass Data Into Processing Method With Help Of Lambda Expression

How to pass data into processing method with help of lambda expression

Hello everybody,

today I want to leave a short note on how to pass some additional parameters into Processing method of processing page with help of lambda expression. Syntax is pretty simple:

public class SSShipmentDateResetter : PXGraph<SSShipmentDateResetter>
	public PXFilter<ShipmentFilter> ShipmentFilter;
	public PXFilteredProcessing<SOShipment, ShipmentFilter> ShipmentsForProcessing;
	public SSShipmentDateResetter()
		var shipmentFilter = ShipmentFilter.Current;
		ShipmentsForProcessing.SetProcessDelegate(shipments =>
			ResetDate(shipmentFilter, shipments);
	public static void ResetDate(ShipmentFilter filter,  List<SOShipment> shipments)

for me such approach is a bit easier to use as it involes a bit less amout of typing.

If you want to have even simpler syntax, then following sample also may work for you:

public SSShipmentDateResetter()
	var filter = ShipmentFilter.Current;
	ShipmentsForProcessing.SetProcessDelegate(shipments => ResetDate(filter, shipments));

For simplicity sake, I've showed only constructor.