Hello everybody,
today I want to write few words about formatting strings in PowerShell.
Consider the following example:
"Today is $(Get-Date). Enjoy your life"
Output will be the following:
Today is 08/23/2016 16:04:18. Enjoy your life
So, if you want to call some PowerShell function, yo...
Hello everybody,
today I want to write small trick of how to modify execution policy for current user. Here is command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy "Unrestricted" -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm:$false
Have a great day.
Hello everybody,
today I want to make short note about how to make pause untill user press a key in PowerShell execution.
Here it is:
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
Presented code will make a pause.