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Screen Numbering In Acumatica

Hello everybody. Today I want in short share screen numering in Acumatica. Let's say we have screen number like this: xx.yy.zz.tt in that case yy is screen sequential number zz is screen type: 10 - setup, 20 - Maintenance, 30 - data entry, 40 - inquiry, 50 - processing, 60 - reports. tt is sub sc...

Autonumbering In Acumatica

Today I want to share with you how I implemented autonumbering feature in acumatica for page CA304000. My task originally was the following: add autonumbering feature to the "Document Ref" field with following rules:   a. step of incrementing is 1   b. length of field should be six char...

Acumatica Date Time Specifiers

 Hello everybody, today I want to describe some date time specifiers in acumatica. d - is default format pattern, so if you intend to use short date pattern, you can just ommit pattern in usage function public static System.Text.StringBuilder MakePattern(string format, System.Globalization....