Hello everybody,
today I want to share how to find current company id in Acumatica:
Here it is:
int? companyid = PX.Common.PXContext.GetSlot<Int32?>("singleCompanyID")
for me it was long way to find it
Ready to take your Acumatica experience to the next level? If you’ve been s...
Just small search result.
Row persiting event declares as following:
protected virtual void YourDACClasss_RowPersisting(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
Ready to take your Acumatica development to the next level? If you’re looking to custo...
Hello everybody.
I want to share with whole world a story. In the begining of this month I created web form. Added there some controls. Today I wanted to add one another control, and after my addition miracously controls at page disappeared. I was surprised, looked for ways to solve problem, and...
Hello everybody,
today just a short hint. In case if you want to add some column in Acumatica DB, you should start field from usr prefix. For exaple if you want to add field Payrollcat, you should name it UsrPayrollcat. If you'll not use this advice, next update of Acumatica will remove your...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share one nesessary step which is needed for graph in order to save graph which has more then one DAC ( data access class ).
In my case I have DAC PRPayRoll, which is joined with classes PRPayrollDetails, PRPaySlip, PRTran.
In that case it is needed to m...
Today I want to share some information about Acumatica customization.
Suppose, you want to change your pages not via Acumatica UI, but via Visual Studio. Reasons why you can have such desire can be the following:
1. Visual Studio is faster then Acumatica UI
2. You can put your changes unde...
Hello everybody.
Today I want in short share screen numering in Acumatica.
Let's say we have screen number like this: xx.yy.zz.tt
in that case
yy is screen sequential number
zz is screen type: 10 - setup, 20 - Maintenance, 30 - data entry, 40 - inquiry, 50 - processing, 60 - reports.
tt is sub sc...
Today I want to share with you how I implemented autonumbering feature in acumatica for page CA304000.
My task originally was the following: add autonumbering feature to the "Document Ref" field with following rules:
a. step of incrementing is 1
b. length of field should be six char...
Hello everybody,
this will be the first post in December. I want to boast that I got T101 certificate from acumatica univercity which proves that I'm certified developer for acumatica!!!!
The screenshot of it:
Hello everybody,
today I want to describe some date time specifiers in acumatica.
d - is default format pattern, so if you intend to use short date pattern, you can just ommit pattern in usage function
public static System.Text.StringBuilder MakePattern(string format, System.Globalization....