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Strong Name Validation By Pass

Hello, here I want to leave a short notice how to manage strong name validation in Windows. For this purpose you can manage via following keys in regedit: To enable the strong-name bypass feature for all applications: switch the value for AllowStrongNameBypass to 1 inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\M...

Merge Few Customizations Into One

Hello everybody, today I want to leave a short notice on how to join few customizations into one. Basically all you need is publish customizations you want to have merged, and then on Customization Projects form ( SM204500 ) click on button View Published and then click on Download package. In th...

How to modify PXIntList dynamically in Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to leave a short code sample on how to modify PXIntList or dropdown list in Acumatica. Below goes code sample of it: protected virtual void _(Events.RowSelected<CROpportunity> e) {     if (e.Row == null) &n...

Fbql Brackets

Hello everybody, today I want to speak about one very interesting feature of FBQL, which I don't know if exists in BQL. Function Brackets! Take a look on following code sample: var bracketsDemo = SelectFrom<SOOrder>.InnerJoin<SOLine>.On<SOLine.orderNbr.IsEqual<SOO...

Adding Report Page To Customization

today I want to make post on how to add your report page (.rpx) to customization, so than you will be able to use it in another progect. For this purpose open customization window as showed below and click "Reports" button: Then click on plus and select report you want to change: The name...

How To Work With Unbounded Dac In Acumatica

Hi everybody, today I want to leave a short note on how to deal with Unbounded DAC classes in Acumatica. Unbounded in other words means DACs that doesn't have dirrect persising target in database. For Unbounded DAC classes to work like this, two steps are needed: Add attribue [PXVirtualDAC] to P...

How To Enable Some Control In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to leave a short note for the following situation: Imagine that you need to enable some control in Acumatica ( for example Mark for PO ) on page Sales orders ( SO301000 ). As usually for enabling control there are two ways: RowSelected Automation steps. Recently I...