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Required Instead Of Current In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to fulfill my promise that I gave to one of my readers.  He left at mine blog following question: How do we use required<> in place of current<> and pass some string constant for selector? That question was asked in context of this article. ...

Build In Data Sets In Sklearn

Hello everybody, today I want to write a few words about built in data sets in sklearn library of python but from Visual Studio 2017 prospective. You may ask why Visual Studio 2017 if there are plenty of other options? I can say that main reason is becuase I like debugging features that availabil...

How To Check Automation Step Settings In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to describe some tricky feature of Automation steps.  Quite often in Acumatica I face interesting challenge. I've added some code in Row_Selected, open some screen, and to mine disappointment I find that screen totally ignores mine code. What can stand behind su...

PXPrpojection, Data Projection what is it?

Hello everybody. Imagine that you need to have implementation of several tables with possibility to update them all.  Also you want to implement by the Acumatica side rather than by the database. You know that Joined tables in Acumatica are read-only and you cannot update fie...

How To Increase Display Size Of Items In Sql Server Management Studio

Hello everybody, today I want to document one interesting feature of SQL Server management studio. Some time it happens, that you work with big XML data files. For example if you have sql statement like this: SELECT @xm=(select rowid, count(rowid) as IdsNumber from SOLine s where s.rowid like&nbs...

How To Separate Automation Schedules In Acumatica

Hello everybody, take a loot at the following picture: Let's say that you would like to have two Acumatica instances connected to the same database. Is it possible? Definetely yes, just with pointing both of them to the same connection string and you'll get some kind of scalability.  But im...

How To Modify Stock Item Screen In202500 In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to describe how to extend Stock Item screen IN202500 in Acumatica. Imagine that you need to add to tab General settings two selectors. Suppose that you need to have two selectors: as you can see following need to be achieved: To tab General Settings it is...


Hello everybody, today I want to leave a note about one of mine customers. And you know, as soon as I've started to write this post I've caught myself that I can't name one person for whom I provide services for money with word customer. Please continue reading and you'll grasp what I mean. ...

Operator In In Bql

Hello everybody, today I want to write a few words about operator in which was presented in SQL for long ago, but weren't available in Acumatica BQL. But time goes on and now you can use it. For example like this: Object[] values = new String[] { "BXW000004", "B...

Functions Map Zip And Lambda In Python

Hello everybody, today I want to describe three elements of Python: map, zip, lambda and *. Zip and * The first step that I want to describe is zip and * usage. Take a look at the following code: a = [5, 6] b = [7, 8] c = zip(a,b) print(*c) How do you thi...