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How To Make Managers Not As Sheep

As someone who has climbed the ranks from a junior developer to a software architect, I've seen firsthand how managerial behavior can either empower teams or stifle innovation. One of the most frustrating phenomena I've encountered is the tendency of some managers to act like sheep—following the herd, avoiding risks, and failing to think critically. This sheep-like behavior is detrimental to both the team and the organization. In this article, I’ll share my perspective on how to make managers more effective leaders, based on my journey through various levels of the tech hierarchy.

1. Encourage Independent Thinking

Early in my career as a junior developer, I quickly noticed that managers often defaulted to following trends or copying competitors without fully understanding the implications. This herd mentality stifles innovation and leads to subpar products. Managers need to be encouraged to think independently, evaluate ideas critically, and make decisions based on what’s best for their specific team and product—not just what everyone else is doing.

How to Address It:

  • Promote a culture of questioning: As a senior developer and later as a tech lead, I made it a point to question the status quo and encourage my team to do the same. Managers should be taught to value these discussions rather than see them as challenges to their authority.
  • Challenge the "safe" choices: When I became a software architect, I started pushing back against decisions made out of fear of failure. Managers should be encouraged to weigh the potential gains of innovation against the risks of failure, rather than defaulting to the safest, most conventional options.

2. Foster Technical Understanding

One of the biggest problems I’ve seen is the gap in technical understanding between developers and managers. Managers who don’t understand the technical aspects of the project tend to rely heavily on what others are doing, which can lead to poor decision-making. This is especially true for those who have never been in the trenches as developers themselves.

How to Address It:

  • Ongoing technical education: When I transitioned from a middle-level developer to a senior role, I noticed that managers who had a solid grasp of the technical side were much better at making informed decisions. Companies should invest in ongoing technical education for their managers, even if they aren’t coding on a daily basis.
  • Pair managers with technical leads: As a technical lead, I often paired with project managers to help them understand the technical implications of their decisions. This kind of collaboration can help managers make more informed choices and avoid following trends blindly.

3. Empower Managers to Take Risks

The fear of making mistakes often drives managers to follow the herd. However, some of the best projects I’ve worked on have been those where the managers were willing to take calculated risks. This willingness to step outside the norm often leads to innovative solutions and sets the company apart from its competitors.

How to Address It:

  • Encourage a growth mindset: As I progressed to the role of software architect, I learned that failure is often a necessary step on the path to success. Managers need to be encouraged to adopt a growth mindset, where they see challenges as opportunities to learn rather than threats to their career.
  • Reward innovation, not just success: Companies often reward managers for successful projects, but they should also recognize those who take innovative approaches—even if they don’t always work out. This encourages managers to think creatively rather than simply playing it safe.

4. Hold Managers Accountable

Sheep-like behavior often persists because there’s little accountability for poor decision-making. Managers who avoid risks and follow the crowd are rarely challenged, which perpetuates a cycle of mediocrity. When I was a senior developer, I saw the negative impact of this firsthand: projects that lacked direction, teams that were demoralized, and products that failed to stand out.

How to Address It:

  • Implement 360-degree feedback: As a technical lead, I advocated for 360-degree feedback systems where team members could provide input on their managers. This kind of feedback helps hold managers accountable for their decisions and encourages them to think more critically about their actions.
  • Set clear expectations: Managers should have clear expectations set for them, just as developers do. When I became a software architect, I worked with leadership to define what success looked like for managers in terms of innovation, team empowerment, and technical understanding.

5. Promote Collaboration Over Hierarchy

Lastly, one of the most effective ways to prevent managers from acting like sheep is to promote a culture of collaboration rather than strict hierarchy. Throughout my career, I’ve seen how hierarchical structures can lead to managers feeling pressured to conform to the norms rather than exploring new ideas.

How to Address It:

  • Flatten organizational structures: Organizations should aim to flatten their structures, giving managers more direct interaction with their teams. When I was a tech lead, I found that the best ideas often came from junior developers who felt comfortable speaking up in a collaborative environment.
  • Encourage cross-functional teams: By encouraging cross-functional teams, where managers work closely with developers, designers, and other stakeholders, companies can foster a culture of innovation. As a software architect, I made it a priority to build these kinds of teams, where everyone’s voice was heard.


Managers play a crucial role in the success of any project, but they need to be empowered to think independently, take risks, and make informed decisions. By promoting a culture of questioning, fostering technical understanding, and holding managers accountable, companies can ensure that their managers lead with confidence and creativity, rather than following the crowd like sheep.

As someone who has moved through various levels in the tech industry, I’ve seen the difference that strong, independent-minded management can make. It’s time we expect more from our managers—not just as leaders, but as innovators in their own right.

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