How To Make Yourself As Administrator In Acumatica With Sql
07 September 2017
Hello everybody,
today I want to share some piece of SQL code that can help you to add yourself to Administrators group in Acumatica:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsersInRoles] ([CompanyID] ,[Username] ,[Rolename] ,[ApplicationName] ,[CompanyMask] ,[CreatedByID] ,[CreatedByScreenID] ,[CreatedDateTime] ,[LastModifiedByID] ,[LastModifiedByScreenID] ,[LastModifiedDateTime]) VALUES (2 ,'yourAccountName' ,'Administrator' ,'/' ,0xAA ,'B5344897-037E-4D58-B5C3-1BDFD0F47BF9' ,'00000000' ,'2010-07-27 17:25:00.000' ,'B5344897-037E-4D58-B5C3-1BDFD0F47BF9' ,'00000000' ,'2010-07-27 17:25:00.000')
With this sql you can make yourself as administrator in Acumatica instance.
Also if you wish you can reset password of admin with following sql:
UPDATE Users SET Password = 'abc', LockedOutDate =null WHERE Username = 'admin'
and log in into Acumatica. There you can add to your account additional permissions