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How To Call Recordccpayment Action From Screen Based Web Api Call In Acumatica For Payments And Applications Screen

Hello everybody,

today I want to write a few words with code samples on how to work with Screen based web API in Acumatica. 

Stage preparation

Before you go, first step that is needed is to have Acumatica instance ready. So install Acumatica with sales demo database.

As mentioned in the title of the article, I'm going to work with "Payments and Applications" screen ( AR302000 ) and with Action Record CC Payment: 

As usually in cases of WEB API calls in .Net, you'll need somehow to create Web Reference. 

For Record CC Payment following sequence of Actions is needed.

  1. In Acumatica instance navigate to page AR302000, and click there on Help -> Web Service:

2. Copy into clipboard url, of the opened window. 

3. Go to Visual Studio and create there some Application. For example console app.

4. Then click on References with right mouse click and in pop up choose Add Service Reference:

5. In window that will appear click on Advanced

6. In next window click on "Add Web Reference... " which will cause appearing one more window:

Initially left window will be opened, and then window at the right will be opened.

After all of those steps, you can type following code for your Main function:

		static void Main(string[] args)
			ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(
				(s, c, ch, pe) => { return true; });
			using (Screen scr = new Screen())
				scr.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
				var lr = scr.Login("admin""123");
				if (lr.Code == ErrorCode.OK)
						var schema = scr.GetSchema();
						var commands = new Command[]
							new Value()
								Value = "BESTYPEIMG",
								LinkedCommand = schema.PaymentSummary.Customer
							new Value()
								Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"),
								LinkedCommand = schema.PaymentSummary.Description
							new Value()
								Value = "770",
								LinkedCommand = schema.PaymentSummary.PaymentAmount
                                                        // if configured to prompt, then must set DialogAnswer
                                                        new Value()
                                                                 Value = "paymentreffdsafas",
                                                                 LinkedCommand = schema.PaymentSummary.PaymentRef
                                                        new Value()
								Value = "xxx",
								LinkedCommand = schema.RecordCCPaymentCCPaymentData.PCTranNumber
							new Value()
								Value = "xxx",
								LinkedCommand = schema.RecordCCPaymentCCPaymentData.AuthNumber
							new Value()
								Value = "OK",
								LinkedCommand = schema.PaymentSummary.ServiceCommands.DialogAnswer,  // Base code shows that it is PaymentSummary (Document.Ask())
                                                                Commit = true
						var status = scr.GetProcessStatus();
						while (status.Status == ProcessStatus.InProcess)
							status = scr.GetProcessStatus();
						if (status.Status == ProcessStatus.Completed)
							commands = new Command[] {
							var data = scr.Submit(commands);


In presented code I want to point your attention to those details:

1. This line Snippet

using (Screen scr = new Screen())


will help you to make efficient memory usage, especially for cases when you need to submit a lot of payments

2. try/finally combination or try/catch/finally combination will help you to track error messages

3. This line


while (status.Status == ProcessStatus.InProcess)


will help you necessary amount of time for request result.

4. In case if status.Status will be equal to aborted, or something similar, you can use status.Message and check what is there. 

5. Quite often it is needed to know some values, that was created during process. For this purpose you may use commands list one more time with sycn request as done in the block


if (status.Status == ProcessStatus.Completed)


6. Always, I repeat always call Logout method. Otherwise you'll get error message that you've riched maximum allowed connections for your account.

If you're looking to implement or customize your Acumatica instance, including optimizing your integration with the Screen-based Web API, we're here to help! Whether it's fine-tuning this process or creating a fully customized solution, don’t hesitate to reach out. Share your customization requests with us, and let’s collaborate to bring your Acumatica experience to the next level. Submit your request today!