How To Unit Test Soorderentry Extension In Acumatica
27 March 2020
Hello everybody,
today I want to show to unit test, and I mean really unit test SOOrderEntry graph extnesion in Acumatica with XUnit.
In order to achieve it, you'll need following steps:
- Create .Net Class library
- Reference xUnit
- Create public class that inherits from TestBase class
- Add override ResisterServices
- Create something like PrepareGraph with usage of TestBase.Setup class
- Write your mehtods.
I will not describe how steps 1 - 4 may look, as it is pretty obvious, but step 5 and 6 at C# level may look like this:
public class SOOrderEntrySDExtTests : TestBase { protected IPXCurrencyService CurrencyService; protected IFinPeriodRepository FinPeriodService; public SOOrderEntryExtTests() { FinPeriodService = new PX.Objects.Unit.FinPeriodServiceMock(); CurrencyService = new PX.Objects.Unit.CurrencyServiceMock(); } protected override void RegisterServices(ContainerBuilder builder) { base.RegisterServices(builder); builder .Register<Func<PXGraph, IFinPeriodRepository>>(context => { return (graph) => { return FinPeriodService; }; }); builder .Register<Func<PXGraph, IPXCurrencyService>>(context => { return (graph) => { return CurrencyService; }; }); } private SOOrderEntry PrepareGraph() { Setup<SOOrderEntry>( new SOSetup { DefaultOrderType = "SC", TransferOrderType = "TR", ShipmentNumberingID = "SOSHIPMENT", ProrateDiscounts = true, FreeItemShipping = "S", FreightAllocation = "A", CreditCheckError = false, MinGrossProfitValidation = "W" }); var graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SOOrderEntry>(); graph.CurrentDocument.Insert( new SOOrder() { OrderType = "SC", OrderDesc = "some test desc" } ); var graphExtension = graph.GetExtension<SOOrderEntryExt>(); return graph; } [Fact] public void CheckInsertion() { var graph = PrepareGraph(); graph.CurrentDocument.Current.Approved = true; graph.CurrentDocument.Update(graph.CurrentDocument.Current); Assert.Equal(graph.CurrentDocument.Current.CuryID, "USD"); } }
Few more comments regarding code.
- As of now, in order to give to SOOrderEntry setup classes, you'll need to go from one exception message to another. Not very convenient, but the only available way
- RegisterServices was copy/pasted from Github post of Dmitriy Naumov
- You may need to take a look on graphExtnesion
- Regarding extension fields I suggest to set up them in the cache
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