Override Acumatica JS code
Hello. Recently I faced one interesting thing on Transfer screen
I was trying to update the logic for the selected checkbox on popup window
And have this code as exampl
It works fine but has one problem. It triggers a double click on the checkbox even if the checkbox has CommitChanges set to True.
After investigation of this I found next code on page ASPX
This is the code for this checkbox on the popup window.
To update js code you should do next thing
Add Java Script control element
And inside Script Property add your custom code. Don’t forget to replace “” to ‘’. Because it causing problems with not launching screen
Then to trigger your custom method you should change it here
Go to grid and ClientEvents property and change the method name to yours. After that you don’t need code with FieldUpdated for INTransferEntry.SiteStatusLookup.INSiteStatusSelected.selected field(first screen)
Struggling with customizations in Acumatica? If you're facing similar issues with checkboxes, popups, or any other UI elements, our team can help tailor Acumatica to your needs. Leave a request for customization, and let’s optimize your workflow together!