How to increase webhook size
The code below will allow us to modify our Web.config by adding to it or changing the Webhook size. This is necessary when the data is not sent using a webhook from its volume.
AddWebhookRequestSize method attempts to update the Web.config file by changing or adding an entry for webhook:maxrequestsize in the appSettings section.
AddWebhookRequestSize does:
1. Loads the file into an XmlDocument object.
2. Searches for the appSettings node in the XML document.
3. If an existing webhook:maxrequestsize key is found, it updates its value to 10000000.
4. If the key is not found, it creates a new add element with the appropriate key and value attributes and appends it to the appSettings node.
5. It then saves the modified XML document back to the file and logs a success message.
6. If the file or required nodes are not found, it logs appropriate error messages.