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Acumatica And Objectsequal Lack Of Parameters

Hello everybody, today I want to share how I deal with ObjectsEqual limitation. In one of my tasks I had requirement to check for equality more then eight parameters and found that ObjectsEqual takes only 8 parameters. But I needed more.  In order to fix it I decided to use extensi...

Enums And Strings

Hello everybody, I want to share some pieces of code how to work with enums.  Some time it is needed to have list of string constants in your code, which can feet to some strings with spaces.  enum EarningType { [Description("Virginina")] VL, [Description("S...

PXSelect Vs PXSelectReadonly

Hello everybody, today I want to share with you important difference between PXSelect  and PXSelectReadonly. In my project I had the following situation. PXSelect of table name didn't give me what actually was in db. After a long research I found PXSelectReadonly and key diffe...

Execute Stored Procedure In Acumatica

Hello everybody. I want to share if you need to execute stored procedure in Acumatica how to achieve it.  It's simple. 1. Create Stored procedure in db. 2. Use in your code PXDatabase.Execute. For example let's say you created stored procedure which has name DeletePrTranByPrPayroll...

RowPersisting Declaration In Acumatica

Just small search result. Row persiting event declares as following: protected virtual void YourDACClasss_RowPersisting(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)    {      }   Ready to take your Acumatica development to the next level? If you’re looking to custo...

Create New Instance Of Graph In Acumatica

Hello, today I want to note how to create new instance of Graph. Lets say you need to create instance of graph PRPaySlipManager. In that case you can get instance of that graph in the following way: PRPaySlipManager manager = PXGraph.CreateInstance<PRPaySlipManager>(); Ready to take your Ac...

What Is TStamp

Hello everybody, I want to share what is purpose of field TStamp in database for tables in Acumatica. In reality you can make projects without it, but. If you add it, you'll help Acumatica with concurency management   Ready to take your Acumatica experience to the next level? Just as the TSt...

The Structure Of A Strategy Program In Lua

The Structure of a Strategy Program in LUA Thursday, July 24, 2014 1:07:00 PM Hi all, I continue investiaging another area of knowledge of humankind, which is FXCM trading Station. So, if you need to write strategy, you'll need following methods to be defined in your strategy:  Init() Pre...

RowInserting And RowInserted Difference In Acumatica

Hello everybody, now I want to share with you difference between RowInserting and RowInserted events. The RowInserting event happens before the new data record is actually inserted into the cache but after all field events happen for this data record. The RowInserted event happens after the actua...