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Debug Executeselect In Extentsion Graph Of Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to share how to debug method ExecuteSelect from Base in extension class: public delegate IEnumerable exSelectDelegate(string viewName, object[] parameters, object[] searches, string[] sortcolumns, bool[] descendings, PXFilterRow[] filters, ref int startRow, int maxi...

How To Deal With Cases When Decimal Is Not Enough

Hello everybody, today I want to drop a note about cases when you need high precision, and C# type decimal is not enough for your needs. I discovered for myself GNU MP library, which has also wrapper in C#.  Amongh feautures which GNU MP library proposes are the following: 1. High number pre...

Neural Networks Teaching

Hello everybody, today I watched vidoe of Dr. James McCaffrey about traing neural netwoks.  So, few interesting details, which was useful for me.  1. As usually it is more then enough one hidden layer.  2. Imagine, that you need to feed into your neural network some data. Let's say...

Custom Selector In Acumatica

Greetings to everybody, today I want to document how to make selector in Acumatica.  I had the following use case: 1. Acumatica dropdown, which can have three values ( for example a, b, c) .   1.1 In case if user select option a, I need to show in PXSelector values from Table A with som...

Acumatica Cache Inserted Updated Objects

Hello everybody, today I want to share one simple technic of how to filter inserted items in cache from other objects. I discovered it with reflector, while diffing in code of APInvoiceEntry.  Here it is:  Adjustments.Cache.Inserted - this item will give you which items were inserted in...

SetValueext And SetDefaultext In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to share with you information about two functions: SetValueExt and SetDefaultExt.  Names of them are pretty self-explanatory, which means SetValueExt assigns specific value to field and SeDefaultExt assings default value to a field. But SetValueExt  method...

PXDatabase.Update In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to note how to use PXDataBase.Update in Acumatica.  Two use-cases. 1. Imagine, you need to set APSubID = 80 in APRegister with APAccountID = 5: you can use the following: PXDatabase.Update<APRegister>(new PXDataFieldAssign<...

Web Config Timeout Connection Timeout

Hello everybody, Today I want to note web.config properties, which took for me some time to discover. It is possible to add two options in connection string of web.config. 1. Timeout=60 2. Connect Timeout=300 What is difference between those two parameters? The first one set for how long you...