Encog Basicmldataset
29 January 2015
Hello everybody,
today I want to share few words about my learning of Encog.
Let's say you have array of 15 doubles:
double []s = new double[15];
Then for simple case you can use BasciMLData class:
IMLData data = new BasicMLData(s);
Now data can be used to feed data to any neural network.
Next point to consider is inputting bigger values.
Suppose you want to have input as xor:
double [][] xorInput = { new []{0.0, 0.0}, new []{1.0, 0.0}, new []{0.0, 1.0}, new []{1.0, 1.0} }; // output double [][] xorIdeal = { new []{0.0}, new []{1.0}, new []{1.0}, new []{0.0} };
var trainSet = new BasicMLDataSet(xorInput, xorIdeal);
Now you can use trainSet BasciMLDataSet in order to feed neural network