Mql4 Round Numbers Indicator
20 June 2014
Hello everybody,
Today I want to share with you another area. I had small order for MQL4 indicator for round numbers for Metatrader4 or as it is named MT4. The task was to draw lines at screen with some step at any currency pair. In order to implement it I started first of all Googling. Then I found almost implemented indicator at forexfactory just without option for modification steps. After wondering about code purpose of variables I created the following code:
//************************************************** //* RoundNr.mq4 (No Copyright) * //* * //* Draws horizontal lines at round price levels * //* * //* Written by: Totoro @ * //* Modified by Yuriy Zaletskyy * //************************************************** #property indicator_chart_window extern double LineSpace = 1; // 1 unit = 0.01 of basic value (e.g. 1 USD cent) extern color LineColor = Turquoise;
extern int LineStyle = 2; extern string LineStyleInfo = "0=Solid,1=Dash,2=Dot,3=DashDot,4=DashDotDot"; extern string LineText = "RoundNr "; extern double stepSize = 0.1; extern string stepSizeComment = "step size for jpy = 0.1, for others 0.001"; extern int digitsAfterComma = 2; extern string digitsAfterCommaComment = "2 for jpy and 3 for non jpy pair"; double LineSpaceOld; double HighScreen; double Tief; bool FirstRun = true; int deinit() { double AbSpace = stepSize*LineSpace; double HigherScreen = MathRound(110*HighScreen)/100; double LowerScreen = MathRound(80*Tief)/100; for(double i=0; i<=HigherScreen; i+=AbSpace) { if(i<LowerScreen) { continue; } ObjectDelete(LineText+DoubleToStr(i,digitsAfterComma)); } return(0); } int start() { if(FirstRun) { HighScreen = NormalizeDouble( High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Bars-1,0)], digitsAfterComma ); Tief = NormalizeDouble( Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Bars-1,0)], digitsAfterComma ); FirstRun = false; } else if(LineSpace != LineSpaceOld) { deinit(); HighScreen = NormalizeDouble( High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Bars-1,0)], digitsAfterComma ); Tief = NormalizeDouble( Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Bars-1,0)], digitsAfterComma ); } DrawLines(); LineSpaceOld = LineSpace; return(0); } void DrawLines() { double AbSpace = stepSize*LineSpace; double HigherScreen = MathRound(110*HighScreen)/100; double LowerScreen = MathRound(80*Tief)/100; for(double i=0; i<=HigherScreen; i+=AbSpace) { if(i<LowerScreen) { continue; } string StringNr = DoubleToStr(i,digitsAfterComma); // digits number in object name
if (ObjectFind(LineText+StringNr) != 0) // HLine not in main chartwindow { ObjectCreate(LineText+StringNr, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, i); ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle); ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor); } else // Adjustments { ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_PRICE1, i); ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle); ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor); } } WindowRedraw(); }