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Acumatica Modification Existing Tables With Prefix Usr

Hello everybody,

today just a short hint. In case if you want to add some column in Acumatica DB, you should start field from usr prefix. For exaple if you want to add field Payrollcat, you should name it UsrPayrollcat. If you'll not use this advice, next update of Acumatica will remove your field, and you'll be very sad.

For example you can use following template of code:

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SYS.columns WHERE name = N'UsrPayrollcat' 
and object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'PRPayrollDetails')) BEGIN PRINT 'EXISTS' END ELSE BEGIN Alter table PRPayrollDetails ADD UsrPayrollcat nvarchar(1) NULL PRINT 'Column UsrPayrollcat was created' END GO
