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How To Modify Stock Item Screen In202500 In Acumatica

Hello everybody,

today I want to describe how to extend Stock Item screen IN202500 in Acumatica. Imagine that you need to add to tab General settings two selectors. Suppose that you need to have two selectors:


as you can see following need to be achieved:

  1. To tab General Settings it is needed to add selectors: "Clase articulo web" and "Subclase articulo web".
  2. In case if selector "Clase articulo web" changes, then "Subclase articulo web" should show some other values.

The first step should be start Acumatica developer project as described here.

For cases if we have dependency of one selector from another it is possible to program in two ways:

  1. Custom selector for dependent code.
  2. Describe dependency in DAC class or DAC class extension.

Option number 1 or custome selectors were already described at mine blog here

Let's take a look at second scenario. Before we continue let's create two tables: UsrArticul and UsrSubArticul. In order to make life simple, you can use SQL below in order to follow me:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UsrArticul](
	[CompanyID] [INT] NOT NULL,
	[ArticulID] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[ArticulCD] [NVARCHAR](50) NULL,
	[ArticulName] [NVARCHAR](50) NULL,
	[CompanyID] ASC,
	[ArticulID] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls](
	[CompanyID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[ArticulID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[SubArticulID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[SubArticulCD] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[SubArticulName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[CompanyID] ASC,
	[ArticulID] ASC,
	[SubArticulID] ASC

I always use prefix Usr in Acumatica in order to notify updater of Acumatica that during upgrade of version those two tables shouldn't be deleted. 

Next let's insert some demo data:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrArticul] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulCD] ,[ArticulName]) VALUES (2, 'ART1', 'Articul 1' )
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrArticul] ([CompanyID],[ArticulCD],[ArticulName]) VALUES (2, 'ART2', 'Articul 2' )
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrArticul]([CompanyID],[ArticulCD],[ArticulName]) VALUES (2, 'ART3', 'Articul 3' )
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (,,'SUB1A' ,'SUB 1 A')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (,1, 'SUB1b' ,'SUB 1 b')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (,1, 'SUB1c' ,'SUB 1 c')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (,1,  'SUB1d','SUB 1 d')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 2,'SUB2A','SUB 2 A')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 2, 'SUB2b' ,'SUB 2 b')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 2, 'SUB2c' ,'SUB 2 c')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 2, 'SUB2d' ,'SUB 2 d')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 3, 'SUB3A', 'SUB 3 A')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 3, 'SUB3b', 'SUB 3 b')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 3, 'SUB3c', 'SUB 3 c')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[UsrSubArticuls] ([CompanyID] ,[ArticulID] ,[SubArticulCD] ,[SubArticulName]) VALUES (2, 3,'SUB3d', 'SUB 3d')

We have three root articuls and each of those root articuls has 4 child sub articuls. And task is the following, if User select Articul 1 at top selector, then bottom selector should show SUB 1 A, SUB 1 b, Sub 1 c and Sub 1 d. 

In order to have access to those two controls on page IN202500 we need:

  1. Create DAC classes for tables UsrArticule and UsrSubArticuls
  2. Exted DAC class InventoryItem with declaration of two fields as selectors
  3. Add two selectors on the page

In order to create two DAC classes, you can use either standard Acumatica DAC class generator, or download mine utility which does the same. If you decide to use utility then also keep in mind that you need delete from generated code following fields: CreatedByID, CreatedByScreenID, CreatedDatetime, LastModifiedByID, LastModifiedByScreenID, LastModifiedDateTime, Tstamp. I skipped those fields that Acumatica uses in order to make sample easier to understand. But in real life projects I definetely recommend to have those fields especially if you have multiuser environment where few users can modify the same entity. In that case those service fields is a must.

Take a look at two DAC classes about UsrArticul and UsrSubArticuls:

    public class UsrArticul : IBqlTable 
        #region ArticulID
        public abstract class articulID : IBqlField
        [PXDBInt(IsKey = true)]
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Articul ID", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible, Visible = false, Enabled = false)]
        public virtual int? ArticulID { getset; }
        #region route
        public abstract class articulCD : IBqlField
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Articul CD", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible)]
        public virtual string ArticulCD { getset; }
        #region route
        public abstract class articulName : IBqlField
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Articul Name", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible)]
        public virtual string ArticulName { getset; }

and another class:
    public class UsrSubArticuls : IBqlTable 
        #region ArticulID
        public abstract class articulID : IBqlField
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Articul ID", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible, Visible = false, Enabled = false)]
        public virtual int? ArticulID { getset; }
        #region SubArticulID
        public abstract class subArticulID : IBqlField
        [PXDBInt(IsKey = true)]
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Sub Articul ID", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible, Visible = false, Enabled = false)]
        public virtual int? SubArticulID { getset; }
        #region route
        public abstract class subArticulCD : IBqlField
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Sub Articul CD", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible)]
        public virtual string SubArticulCD { getset; }
        #region route
        public abstract class subArticulName : IBqlField
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Sub Articul Name", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible)]
        public virtual string SubArticulName { getset; }

 Next step - create extension class, what are you use. In this example it InventoryItem DAC class:

public class InventoryItemExt : PXCacheExtension<InventoryItem>
       public abstract class usrArticul : IBqlField
       [PXDefault(PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
       [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Articul CD")]
       [PXSelector(typeof(Search<UsrArticul.articulID>), SubstituteKey = typeof(UsrArticul.articulCD))]
       public virtual int? UsrArticul { getset; }
       public abstract class usrSubArticul : IBqlField
           SubstituteKey = typeof(UsrSubArticuls.subArticulCD))]
       [PXDefault(PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
       [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Sub Articul CD")]
       public virtual int? UsrSubArticul { getset; }

Here I describe two selectors. Overhead and downhead. 

Second selector depend of first. Also pay attention that I used  Equal<Current<InventoryItemExt.usrArticul> (not UsrArticul.articulID), for correct filtering because in this moment when you select first field it is "Current "selector, and you use "YourDacExt.Field".

or in full picture:

[PXSelector(typeof(Search<UsrSubArticuls.subArticulIDWhere<UsrSubArticuls.articulID, Equal<Current<InventoryItemExt.usrArticul>>>>), 
           SubstituteKey = typeof(UsrSubArticuls.subArticulCD))]

Staff in bold will allow you to select only sub group.

Do not forget build your project!


After that add controls(PXSelector) to .aspx  view page:

<px:PXSelector CommitChanges="True" ID="usrArticul1" runat="server" DataField="UsrArticul" AllowEdit="True" ></px:PXSelector>
<px:PXSelector CommitChanges="True" ID="usrSubArticul1" runat="server" DataField="UsrSubArticul" AutoRefresh="True" AllowEdit="True" ></px:PXSelector>

After that open this page, and you can see this controls:


 Verify second selector:

