Hos To Add List Values To Drop Down In Acumatica
Hello everybody,
today I want to make quick notice of how to make drop down values in Acumatica avalable.
Let's imagine, that you need following drow down list:

In order to get this kind of list, you can use the following code:
public static class JiraAccountStatusEnum { public const string Open = "O"; public const string Closed = "C"; public const string Archived = "A"; } public class JiraAccountListAttribute : PXStringListAttribute { public JiraAccountListAttribute() : base( new string[] {JiraAccountStatusEnum.Open, JiraAccountStatusEnum.Closed,
JiraAccountStatusEnum.Archived}, new string[] {"Open", "Closed", "Archived"}) { } }
2. In your DAC member class write the following:
#region UsrStatus public abstract class usrStatus : IBqlField { } protected string _UsrStatus; [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Status")] [PXDBString(10)] [JiraAccountList] public virtual string UsrStatus { get { return _UsrStatus; } set { _UsrStatus = value; } } #endregion
3. Finally in your aspx page use the following control:
<px:PXDropDown ID="pxddUsrStatus" runat="server" DataField="UsrStatus"></px:PXDropDown>
That's it what is needed. If you follow steps, mentioned in this notice, you'll get drop down, screenshot of which you've seen.
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