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Jforex Utilities Sample And Jfquantisan Jar

Greetings to everybody.

Recently when I visited blog of Paul Lam, I've noticed JFUtil 2.0 alpha demonstration of usage of his library JForex-Utilities.


It is nice example, but very unformatted. It looks like this:



So I've made formatting corrections, and put his sample on my page with formatting:

package jforex.yz;

import java.util. * ;
import com.dukascopy.api. * ;
import com.quantisan.JFUtil. * ;


public class JfutilDemo implements IStrategy {
	private int counter = new Random().nextInt(100); // notice the lack of fields to manage JForex objects
	@Override public void onStart(IContext context) throws JFException {
		// ** Essential steps ** 
		// must initialize objects once and for all JForexContext.setContext(context);
		Set < Instrument > set = new HashSet < Instrument > (context.getSubscribedInstruments());
		set = context.getSubscribedInstruments(); // get list of subscribed instruments 
		// subscribe to transitional instruments for currency conversion calculations 
		//  \ * \ * End of essential steps\ * \ * 
		Printer.println("-- Quantisan.com JFUtil v2 .0 alpha: Usage demo--");
		Printer.println("    ");

	@Override public void onBar(Instrument instrument, Period period, IBar askBar, IBar bidBar) throws JFException {
		if (period != Period.TEN_SECS) {
			return; // only run every 10 sec.

		// *** 1. access IContext and IAccount from anywhere
		Printer.println("Account equity = " + JForexAccount.getEquity());
		// get an EMA indicator value 
		double ema = JForexContext.getIndicators().ema(instrument, Period.TEN_SECS, OfferSide.BID, IIndicators.AppliedPrice.MEDIAN_PRICE, 14, 1);
		Printer.println(instrument.toString() + " EMA = " + ema); // printing the EMA value 
		// *** 2. Profit/loss calculation to account currency before placing your order
		// Demonstrating currency conversion
		double risk = 100 * Pairer.convertPipToAccountCurrency(instrument);
		String symbol = JForexAccount.getAccountCurrency().getSymbol();
		Printer.println(symbol + risk + " risked in for 1,000 units and 100 pips move in " + instrument.toString());
		// ** 3. Simplify order parameters with order ticket builder
		// Demonstrating trade ordering 
		String label = instrument.toString().substring(0, 2) + counter;

		OrderTicket mktBuyTicket = new OrderTicket.Builder(label, //setting required ticket info instrument, 
		instrument, IEngine.OrderCommand.BUY, 0.1).build(); // build ticket 
		Orderer.placeOrder(mktBuyTicket); // placing order 
		// market buy order with a 100 pips stop and 100 pips target
		double stopPrice = JForexContext.getPrice(instrument) - (100 * instrument.getPipValue());
		double targetPrice = JForexContext.getPrice(instrument) + (100 * instrument.getPipValue());
		label = instrument.toString().substring(0, 2) + counter;
		OrderTicket buySpTicket = new OrderTicket.Builder(label, instrument, IEngine.OrderCommand.BUY, 0.1).
		setStopLossPrice(stopPrice). // set stop price to 
		setTakeProfitPrice(targetPrice) // set target 
		// ** 4. Single method to placing orders for all order types and parameters\ * \ * \ * 


	@Override public void onAccount(IAccount account) throws JFException {
		JForexAccount.setAccount(account); // update IAccount to latest 

	@Override public void onStop() throws JFException {
		for (IOrder order: Orderer.getOrders()) {
			// close all orders 

	public void onMessage(IMessage message) throws JFException {}

	public void onTick(Instrument instrument, ITick tick) throws JFException {}


As I say in such situations, feel the difference.