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Chocolatey Usage For Installing Programs

Hello everybody,

today I want to document wonderfull tool. Chocolatey. It allows you to install quite big list of programs without need to search, download and setup them. 

Before chocolatey will be able to execute anything at your pc, following command needs to be executed at your powershell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 

and this one:

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

As soon as chocolatey will be installed at your pc, you can execute following ps1 file:

choco install pdfcreator -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install firefox -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install jre8 -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install 7zip.install -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install javaruntime -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install git.install -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install vlc -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install sysinternals -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install filezilla -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install procexp -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install putty -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install libreoffice -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install paint.net -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install teamviewer -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install nuget.commandline -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install wireshark -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install fiddler -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install foxitreader -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install tortoisegit -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install procmon -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install linqpad -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install octave -y --allow-empty-checksums
choco install visualstudio2015professional -y --allow-empty-checksums

choco install speccy -y --allow-empty-checksums

choco install viber -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

choco install opera -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

choco install dropbox -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

choco install notepadplusplus -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

choco install googlechrome -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

choco install skype -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

choco install nodejs -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

choco install sharex -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum


Such list allows me to quickly setup my working machine without manual installation bunch of programs. 

For some companies I use skype for business:


choco install skypeforbusiness -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignorechecksum

Just as Chocolatey simplifies and streamlines the installation of essential tools for your development environment, Acumatica can be tailored to fit your unique business needs with customizations. If you’re looking to enhance your Acumatica experience with specific features or integrations, we’re here to help! Leave a customization request today, and let us transform your Acumatica system into a powerful, personalized solution that works as seamlessly as your favorite tools. Request your customization now and take your Acumatica development to the next level!

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