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Localized reports in Acumatica

One of the recent additions to the new Acumatica 24R1 version is the ability to retrieve localized reports through REST API. This article provides a manual how specifically one can achieve it.   We start of creating an endpoint for reports. For this we navigate to the Web Service Endpoints (...

Screen templates in Acumatica

Let's take a look at the screen’s templates. There are 6 of them in Acumatica: Form, Grid, Tab, FormTab, FormGrid, TabGrid. Each template is designed to be used for different purposes. Let's look at each of them: Form A Form template is used to display and edit a single record or entity at a t...

Hyper cube of Acumatica modules

Hi everybody, today I want to share cube of Acumatica modules. For me it's kind of helpful, if I try to figure out features available in one or the other Acumatica license: If you’re exploring the diverse range of Acumatica modules and want to make the most out of your system’s capabilities, our...