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Some Notes About Msmq

Hello everybody, today I want to document few features of MSMQ. First of all I want to say that MSMQ is ancient technology. It started it's life from Windows 95 as windows service. So for time of writing of this blog post it already had 22 years!  General principle of working of MSMQ is save...

Usage Of Openssl

Hello everybody, today I want to note just short usage of openssl command: openssl req -nodes -days 10 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout keyfile.pem -out certfile.pem this command will generate two files: keyfile.pem and certfile.pem. Just as the openssl command simplifies the creation of key an...

Ngrok And It S Usage

Hello everybody, today I want to say a few words about interesting program: ngrok. The main idea of it is to allow other computers to see ports which you've configured in your virtual box machine. And surprisingly it is very cross platform. Take note of the list of platforms at download page:&nbs...

Install Shipyard With Curl

Hello everybody, today in order to preserve shortcut for shipyard installation I've decided to preserve it's shortcut in my blog.   curl -sSL https://shipyard-project.com/deploy | bash -s this will install shipyard at your centOS machine. User name will be admin, password: shipyard. Ready to...