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Asp Net Lifecycle

Hello everybody, today I want to write few words about ASP .Net lifecycle.  Actually just sequence of events.  Begin Request Resolve request cache Map request handler Acquire request state Request handler execute Update request cache Log request End request Here are the 8 main steps o...

Types of fields in Dynamics CRM

Hello everybody, today I want to write a short note on types of fields in Dynamics CRM. So, below goes list of types: Single line of text Multiple line of text Option set Two options Whole numbers Floating point Decimal Currency Date and Time Lookup Names of them are pretty self-explanatory, bu...

Perceptron Learning Algorithm

Hello everybody, today I want to document perceptron learning algorithm for classifications Below goes following steps for teaching perceptron. Add one more column with value to 1 to each input row. Pick training cases according to some rules that gives you guarantee that every training case wil...