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Angularjs Ng Options

Hello everybody, today I want to make some post about how to work with AngularJS select directive from viewpoint of complicated objects.  <select id="type"               class="form-control" name="type" aria-readonly="true"     &...

Zencoding In Web Essentials

Hello everybody, today I want to point to some useful features of ZenCoding in web essentials. Quick reference of ZenCoding shortcuts:     # use it for creating id    . use it for creating a class attribute    [ ] use it for creating a custom attribute...

Notes About Angularjs Webinar

Hello everybody, few notes about some details of AngularJS. 1. What is $scope? $scope is something where we can store information which is needed for page. Also data for changes of which we need to track. 2. How can we react on some changes in $scope? In other words if something at page modified...

Http Service And Promises

Hello everybody, today another glimpse from the AngularJS world which I can name of how to get something from server. So, imagine that you see following code in your controller:   var OrderController = function($scope, $http) {     $scope.order = $http.get("/orders/1563"); } and no...

Angularjs Mouse Directives

Just short notice of AngularJS mouse directives: ngClick, ngDblClick, ngMousedown, ngMouseEnter, ngMouseLeave, ngMousemove, ngMouseover, ngMouseup Ready to take your Acumatica experience to the next level? Just like AngularJS mouse directives—ngClick, ngDblClick, and more—empower seamless us...

How To Clean Plan Query Cache

Hello everybody, some sql notes: dbcc freeproccache; this one will clean plan of cached of sql.   Another note of how to find Sql code and plan by id from dm_exec_cached_plans create function SqlAndPlan(@handle varbinary(max)) returns table as return select sql.text, cp.usecounts,cp.cac...