Hello everybody,
suppose you have read two of my previous notes about network creating and basic input into neural network and now you have huge desire to make training on neural network with Encog. You are on the right way. One of the options which you have to try is the following:
Some other generalizations of how to use Encog.
For getting result of network you can use Compute method:
var output = network.Compute(input);
If we want to get result of bigger number of items, we can use following construction
foreach(var item in trainingSet)
var output = netwo...
Here is Backpropogation algorithm declaration of Encog:
var train = new Backpropogation(network, trainingSet, learningRate, momentum);
Today I discovered for myself purpose of momentum paramether.
Here we have error function with global minimum and three local minimums....
Hello everybody,
today I want to share trick which I call convert Acumatica button into menu.
Lets say in graph APBillManager created button in the following way:
public PXAction<APBill> Report;
If you want to convert it to menu with one item you can do the following:
public APBillMana...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share few words about my learning of Encog.
Let's say you have array of 15 doubles:
double []s = new double[15];
Then for simple case you can use BasciMLData class:
IMLData data = new BasicMLData(s);
Now data can be used to feed data to any neural network.&n...
Hello everybody.
I'm passing coursera course about neural networks.
Today I discovered for myself reason why normalization and scaling in neural networks provides faster learning. Everything is related with error surface and optimization. If to put simply
the task of neural network is to fi...
Hello everybody.
My next notice is about following case.
Suppose you have from PR301000, which has grid with id "grid" with button calculate. Also grid has column, which is bounded to column caculated, and you need the following:
If in selected row field "Calculated" is true, then disable b...
Hello everybody.
Here goes some my notes of Maintenance pages.
First convention is that maintenance pages has number start of 20. For example pr203000.aspx means that it is maintenance page for pr, and I make this conclusion on basis that numbers start from 20.
As usually they are placed un...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share how to make grid item to feet all container. For this purpose you just can use property AutoSize. It makes grid to feet entire area of parent container
Hello everybody,
today I want to notice how to create graph. There are two ways:
If you want to get extention class, from base class, you can use following function: