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Current Items In View

Hello everybody, today I want to share with everybody how to find all items in view in Acumatica. Suppose you have View declared in the following way: public PXSelectJoin<PRPayrollDetails, InnerJoin<EPEmployee, On<EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal<PRPayrollDetails.employeeID>>, Inn...

Enumerate Cached Objects

Hello everybody, today I want to share how to enumerate cahed objects according to some type.  Imagine you have following declaration: public PXSelectJoin<PRTran> PaySlipDetails; And that you need to enumerate them as list of PRTran's in some special way. In my case I used following in...

FieldUpdated Behaviour

Hello everybody, today  I want to share one interesting feature of Acumatica.  I revelaed that after inserting of new row executes FieldUpdated even if feld wasn't updated. After reading documentation I found that it is gotcha and inteded to be so. Discover the power of customizati...