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Ema In Jforex Full Code

Hello everybody, recently one of my readers asked me to show whole code of taking value of ema. Here it is: package jforex; import java.util.*; import com.dukascopy.api.*; public class CountSamples implements IStrategy { private IEngine engine; private IConsole console; private IHistory hi...

How To Make Sales

Recently friend of mine shared with me how he makes sales.  Here is his algorithm: Introduce to your potential customer ( linkedin, facebook ) Send useful advices Send 3 useful advices according to your topic of activity Call to him. It shouldn't be call for sales. Just clarify what questio...


Hello everybody, today I want to write few words about Interception. First of all one of the questions that requires consideration can be why we may need interception at all? Need in interception arises in cases when we have some kind of logic, that is dispersed around whole application. Some can...

Walmart Signer

Hello everybody, today I want to preserve at my blog piece of code that almost eaten my brain. Walmart signer.  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Globalization; using...

How To Measure Size Of Vector

Hello everybody, today  I want to share with everybody information about function that is known as norm. Here it is: ||x|| p = ( Σ(|x|i)p) p -1 For p ∈ R, p ≥ 1 Also it is named as Lp norm. On intuition level it measures distance from some beginning point to locatio of x. &nbs...