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Filters In Acumatica

Hello everybody, in this article I want to describe how filtering in Acumatica work. When I say filtering, I mean following UI part: In manuals T100 - T300 there is almost nothing about how filters work, so I want to share few bits of development information. Storage All information about f...

Operator In In Bql

Hello everybody, today I want to write a few words about operator in which was presented in SQL for long ago, but weren't available in Acumatica BQL. But time goes on and now you can use it. For example like this: Object[] values = new String[] { "BXW000004", "B...

Scaling Acumatica Horizontally

Hello everybody, today I want to share one interesting piece of information about horizontal scaling of Acumatica. I mean as usually for majority of people it is clear that Acumatica can work on one machine when DB, IIS and Acumatica lives on one machine.  One more variant of scaling can be...