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How To Override Properly Creatematrixitems

Hello everybody, today I want to leave a short snippet on how to override methods in CreateMatrixItemsImpl graph extension. Below goes code snippet you can use for this purpose:   public class CreateMatrixItemsImplExt : PXGraphExtension<CreateMatrixItems.CreateMat...

Execution Timeout Expired Error Message In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want to leave a short note on Execution Timeout Expired. In case if you face it on your local dev environment, then consider adding following key in your web.config: <add name="PXSqlDatabaseProvider" type="PX.Data.PXSqlDatabaseProvider, PX.Data" ... queryTimeout="100"...

How To Make Selector For Csanswers

Hello everybody, recently one of the colleagues asked me how to make selector from Attributes values. Also that request seem trivial, but still took some time, especially with usage of FBQL query to build.  Below goes template you may use if you'll need some kind of selector for attributes b...

How To Connect Acumatica With Mysql At API Level

Hello everybody, today I want to leave a short note on how to connect Acumatica with MySql. Recently for me was needed to organize connection between API project which send requests to Acumatica and MySql database. In codebase I've seen following line:  using MySqlX.XDevAPI.Relational;...

Create Index With Include Section

Hello everybody. Today I want to leave a short note on include section of SQL queries. Imagine that you see SQL Query similar to this:  CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [tt_CSAttributeGroup] ON [dbo].[CSAttributeGroup] ([CompanyID], [EntityClassID], [EntityTy...

How To Clean Duplicated Elements From Acumatica Database

Hello everybody, Today I want to leave a short snapshot which addresses following issue.  One of my friends got table in Acumatica created, but for some reason at DB level he decided not to set there any field as part of Primary key. He had IsKey attributes set only at DAC class of Acumatica...

Covid 19 Dealing

Hi everybody, It happened. I've got COVID-19 myself. As well as my wife. Very unpleasant feelings honestly speaking.  On the day 1 of symptoms I've got those: a. Temperature ( ~38 ) b. Headache c. Weakness Now I have one more concern about my parents. I'm worried if they got or not got COVID...

How To Use Const In Fbql For Acumaitca

Hello everybody, I want to leave a quick hint on how to use Const values in Acumatica for FBQL. Below goes sample: public class someBranch : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Constant<someBranch> {     public someBranch() : base(48)    ...

How To Use PXLongoperation

Today I want to write a few words on usage of PXLongOperation.  Compare two following scenarios: Base.Save.Press();             try             {     &...

Why Code Changes From Dll Are Not Shown On The Form In Acumatica

today I want to share with you interesting use case which stolen one night of sleep from me, as well as from one of my collegues.  We had very trivial case. Or at least we thought it is trivial. In Acumatica we had something like this: #region UsrCardTheme [PXDBString(256)] [PXUIField(D...