today I want to share how to get extension of basic DAC class iin Acumatica. Lets say you have class ARTran, and extenstion for it ARTranExt and you want to get it in the code of ARTran_RowUpdated event
Then you can get extenstion in the following way:
Hello everybody,
today I want to share how to find current company id in Acumatica:
Here it is:
int? companyid = PX.Common.PXContext.GetSlot<Int32?>("singleCompanyID")
for me it was long way to find it
Ready to take your Acumatica experience to the next level? If you’ve been s...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share how to enumerate cahed objects according to some type.
Imagine you have following declaration:
public PXSelectJoin<PRTran> PaySlipDetails;
And that you need to enumerate them as list of PRTran's in some special way.
In my case I used following in...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share answer at simple question how to change the caption at some screen.
For example you want to change caption at screen AR202000 for Inventory ID to caption INVENTORY ID.
For this purpose we need to understand which DAC is responsible for Grid. For this p...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share one interesting feature of Acumatica.
I revelaed that after inserting of new row executes FieldUpdated even if feld wasn't updated. After reading documentation I found that it is gotcha and inteded to be so.
Discover the power of customizati...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share how I deal with ObjectsEqual limitation. In one of my tasks I had requirement to check for equality more then eight parameters and found that ObjectsEqual takes only 8 parameters. But I needed more.
In order to fix it I decided to use extensi...
Hello everybody,
I want to share some pieces of code how to work with enums.
Some time it is needed to have list of string constants in your code, which can feet to some strings with spaces.
enum EarningType
Hello everybody,
today I want to share with you important difference between PXSelect and PXSelectReadonly.
In my project I had the following situation. PXSelect of table name didn't give me what actually was in db. After a long research I found PXSelectReadonly and key diffe...
Hello everybody.
I want to share if you need to execute stored procedure in Acumatica how to achieve it.
It's simple.
1. Create Stored procedure in db.
2. Use in your code PXDatabase.Execute.
For example let's say you created stored procedure which has name DeletePrTranByPrPayroll...
Just small search result.
Row persiting event declares as following:
protected virtual void YourDACClasss_RowPersisting(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
Ready to take your Acumatica development to the next level? If you’re looking to custo...