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Enumerate Cached Objects

Hello everybody, today I want to share how to enumerate cahed objects according to some type.  Imagine you have following declaration: public PXSelectJoin<PRTran> PaySlipDetails; And that you need to enumerate them as list of PRTran's in some special way. In my case I used following in...

FieldUpdated Behaviour

Hello everybody, today  I want to share one interesting feature of Acumatica.  I revelaed that after inserting of new row executes FieldUpdated even if feld wasn't updated. After reading documentation I found that it is gotcha and inteded to be so. Discover the power of customizati...

Enums And Strings

Hello everybody, I want to share some pieces of code how to work with enums.  Some time it is needed to have list of string constants in your code, which can feet to some strings with spaces.  enum EarningType { [Description("Virginina")] VL, [Description("S...

PXSelect Vs PXSelectReadonly

Hello everybody, today I want to share with you important difference between PXSelect  and PXSelectReadonly. In my project I had the following situation. PXSelect of table name didn't give me what actually was in db. After a long research I found PXSelectReadonly and key diffe...