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Add Button To Grid In Acumatica

Hello everybody, today I want briefly share how to add button to Grid in Acumatica. Actually button without any dialogs. Just button with posibility to run C# code. Lets say you have grid, and want name for button Calculate.  Then in graph you should write something like this: public PXActi...

Master Details Step By Step

Hello everybody, today I want to share how to implement master detail form step by step starting from small. So, recently I was in situation when I created form, generated DAC, created aspx page, and got some errors. When I asked support for help, they informed me that they will help me only one...

Lua For FXCM Trade Station

Hello everybody, today I will share with you adventure of learning writing something for Trade Station from FXCM and some other trading companies. I got one request from client to write for him expert advisor, and it should be for Trade Station in lua, and not in mql4. I can't say that I was happ...

Acumatica PXSplitContainer

Hello, I want to share some discoveries about attributes of PXSplitContainer. <px:PXSplitContainer runat="server" ID="sp1" SplitterPosition="300" Height="100px"> SplitterPosition="300" means that first item will have height 300 pixels Height="100px" I didn't notice any changes at page,...