Hello everybody,
today just a short hint. In case if you want to add some column in Acumatica DB, you should start field from usr prefix. For exaple if you want to add field Payrollcat, you should name it UsrPayrollcat. If you'll not use this advice, next update of Acumatica will remove your...
Hello everybody,
today I want briefly share how to add button to Grid in Acumatica. Actually button without any dialogs. Just button with posibility to run C# code.
Lets say you have grid, and want name for button Calculate.
Then in graph you should write something like this:
public PXActi...
Small hack.
If you modify table in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, it sometimes says something like
Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can't be recreated o...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share how to implement master detail form step by step starting from small. So, recently I was in situation when I created form, generated DAC, created aspx page, and got some errors. When I asked support for help, they informed me that they will help me only one...
Hello everybody,
today I will share with you adventure of learning writing something for Trade Station from FXCM and some other trading companies.
I got one request from client to write for him expert advisor, and it should be for Trade Station in lua, and not in mql4.
I can't say that I was happ...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share how to cope with error message CreatedByID cannot be null and CreatedByScreenID cannot be null, and so on. In order to get rid of
those error messages use attributes [PXDBCreatedByID], [PXDBCreatedByScreenID],
[PXDBCreatedDateTime], [PXD...
I want to share some discoveries about attributes of PXSplitContainer.
<px:PXSplitContainer runat="server" ID="sp1" SplitterPosition="300" Height="100px">
SplitterPosition="300" means that first item will have height 300 pixels
Height="100px" I didn't notice any changes at page,...
Hello everybody,
today just short notice of DAC and tables. If you create new functionality in Acumatica and look for creating tables, you should know, that all tables which you'll create should have column CompnayID, and that column shouldn't be reflected in DAC.
anonymous sa...
Hello everybody,
today I received the following error message in Acumatica:
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table when identity_insert is set to off.
After executing SQL
problem wasn't solved, so I needed to search deeper. After attaching with SQL...
Hello everybody,
today I want to share with you one of my mistakes.
Few days ago I started to develop Configuration screen, or screen which should end at xx101000. After I completed it and passed for testing I faced a challenge. The page should display only the first record. So I implemente...