Hello everybody,
today I want to share trick about renaming item in grid. Suppose you want to use developed by Acumatica data access class of acumatica, which has name BAccount, and you have huge desire to rename it in column from "Account name" to "Employee Name".
You can use for such purpo...
Hello everybody,
Today I want to share with you another area. I had small order for MQL4 indicator for round numbers for Metatrader4 or as it is named MT4. The task was to draw lines at screen with some step at any currency pair. In order to implement it I started first of all Googling. Then I fo...
Few days ago I faced following challenge. SQL profiler gave me ugly SQL, which was unreadable for my eyes.
For example like this:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT APAddress.AddressID, APAddress.VendorID, APAddress.VendorAddressID, APAddress.IsDefaultAddress, APAddress.RevisionID, APAddress.AddressLine...
Today I want to share some information about Acumatica customization.
Suppose, you want to change your pages not via Acumatica UI, but via Visual Studio. Reasons why you can have such desire can be the following:
1. Visual Studio is faster then Acumatica UI
2. You can put your changes unde...
Today I needed to get all columns of specifict table.
SQL which you can use for this purpose is the following:
Hello everybody.
Today I want in short share screen numering in Acumatica.
Let's say we have screen number like this: xx.yy.zz.tt
in that case
yy is screen sequential number
zz is screen type: 10 - setup, 20 - Maintenance, 30 - data entry, 40 - inquiry, 50 - processing, 60 - reports.
tt is sub sc...
Hello readers of mine blog.
Today I want to share with everybody who wants to make unit test of Acumatica how I achieved it.
For unit testing I use NUnit. In order to start my work with Acumatica Unit testing I wrote the following class:
public class CATranEntryExtTest
Hello readers of mine blog.
Today I want to share with everybody who wants to make unit test of Acumatica how I achieved it.
For unit testing I use NUnit. In order to start my work with Acumatica Unit testing I wrote the following class:
public class CATranEntryExtTest
In one of my previous posts I described how to add autonumbering to acumatica. Described method will work pretty well, if you don't have any pop-ups which also need to have autonumbering. In case if you have such pop-ups, then it is different story.
My next assignment on the job was to add a...
this post is dedicated to understanding how security in Acumatica works. If to be precisive security of accounts.
Let's say you need in some way filter accounts for some user according to configuration at row level security screen ( GL104000 ).
In my case I had following records...